Development paradigms in the institutional configuration of vocational education and training in Chile (1964-2005)

Riberi, V., González, E. and Rojas Lasch, C. (2020). An Ethnography of Vulnerability: A New Materialist Approach to the Apparatus of Measurement, the Algorithm. Anthropology & Education, 52(1), 82-105.

Resumen / Abstract: During an ethnographic study of two Chilean schools over a period of three years, we observed the discursive assemblage of “what is vulnerable” emerging from an algorithm used to allocate public resources. In this article, we unravel the ways in which the algorithm intra-acts with other elements in the process of producing what is vulnerable and how this affects our approach to ethnography. We conclude by considering two methodological dilemmas that arose from our work.

Título: An Ethnography of Vulnerability: A New Materialist Approach to the Apparatus of Measurement, the Algorithm

Autor/as: Valentina Riberi, Erika González, Carolina Rojas Lasch

Año de publicación: 2020

Revista: Anthropology & Education

ISSUE: Volume52, Issue1, March 2021, Pages 82-105
